
17 August 2015

The Shot

Dear Family,
Happy Monday, the 16th of August, 2015!
My week was a pretty interesting one, let's see how fast I can type and get these things in!
Monday evening: We had a nice FHE with Theresa. We watched the Testaments, you know, the Book of Mormon Christ coming video! It was really spiritual, and she had some really sincere thoughts of wishing that more people really knew that Christ had visited the Americas and the truthfulness of the gospel. Good experiences. :) Monday was also when I taught my companion how to play chess!
Tuesday: We had our district meeting! Everything was successful, and we proselyted! After eating lunch, however, I started to have pain right beneath my ribcage on the right side. It HURT! Ahh. Well, after making it through a couple lessons, one with Ko. and one with Mer. (Mer.'s awesome! She just texted us reminding us of the appointment we have with her tomorrow!), we celebrated Elder Hanlon's birthday at his apartment with some chili and cookies. The district was there, and it was a nice evening, despite the pain. The pain, however, increased so much that evening. I was in serious... I would say agony, but I don't want to scare you. ;) It wasn't fun. I called Sister Stevenson, she told me that it might be my gall bladder so I shouldn't eat anything fatty. So my new diet began!
Wednesday: MLC! [Mission Leadership Council] That took all day. We left in the morning, came back in the evening. The district leaders were there. I got my own lunch from Sister Stevenson! That's basically the day. Lots of time spent in a trotro, but it was really good to see so many friends at the meeting. :)
[photos this week are courtesy of President Stevenson's blog]

Thursday: We proselyted! I mean, we had our weekly planning first, but we went and taught. We didn't have too much, but we had a sweet lesson with Ko.'s wife! She's progressing well, now. We also taught Da. and visited some members.
Friday: So, things happened! We had a day planned, but then things changed when, after preparing for the day, I still wasn't feeling good so I took my temperature. I had a fever, so I called Sis. Stevenson, and then I went to the local hospital. Elder Hanlon helped us through a bit of it, and we made it through just fine. I even got a butt shot! :P I was surprised as he called me to come stand behind a curtain and motioned to his buttocks. I asked if it could be anywhere else. He said no. So on it went! And they took my blood for tests and such. They didn't find any significant problem, so they gave me a couple things and asked me to come back on Wednesday. That was most of the day! We still managed to teach a lesson, but that's how it went.
Saturday: All Africa service project!!! We went and cleaned up and repaired a 3 kilometer road (3 miles? I don't know. He said 3 miles, but I'm not quite sure. It WAS really long though)  between Nuamakrom and Kenkwasi, two villages with branches of the church in them. I weeded a TON! I can use a cutlass paaa. Though you would call it a machete. Maybe I'll bring one home with me. :) I can clear the weeds in our backyard. I have blisters from the project still!
Sunday: We had a good Sunday, pretty normal stuff. Nothing too interesting. (time is getting small, so I'm rushing)
Monday: So far we've come from Praso to Dunkwa, had a fun football match with the zone, and now we're emailing! That's basically it. Tomorrow is a meeting with the whole zone, so I'm hoping that goes well!
Things are going well. I'm trying to hit these last weeks hard. I know I say that every week, but it's true. It's something that's in my thoughts; I can only do this once. I think it's crazy how fast the time is flying; we're going into week 3 of the transfer already, but "there is work enough to do, ere the sun goes down!" I hope all is well! I loved your update. Have an amazing week and do good things!
Elder Price

PS I'm exhausted. The game was good. :)

PPS Oh yeah, I should mention, I feel good now. Elder Hanlon said that it could be a rib out of place that may have done it. I did some stretches to help put it back (I've been lifting weights a lot) and also taking the meds (antibiotics are among) and I feel great now. :)  And yeah, please schedule dental and a physical that'd be nice.

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